Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm via Zoom
Contact Carolyn Blocker for Zoom Info
AGENDA for Directors’ Meeting
Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm Zoom
ECTRA members are invited to attend all Directors’ meetings
- Call to order
- Review and approval of Minutes June 12, 2023 – Diana Murphy
- Treasurer’s Accounts Second Quarter Report– Megan Meldrum
- Old Business:
- ECTRA Promotion and Advertising update – Jeannette Cole
- Mail Chimp/newsletter progress
- Data Collection Program File Maker Pro :
- Should ECTRA update their original DVD on competitive trail riding for promotional purposes?
- Update on the new Printify Store and how it works and who will oversee it going forward?
- Plan for disbursing new ECTRA logo sticker/decals.
- Do we want to do Equine Affair 2023 or Harrisburg 2024?
- Action to have new 3-fold brochures printed.
- Should we allow ride managers to have access to our rider/horse numbers for their use creating their ride entry information? [This would give them up to date information to determine who is a current member/horse.] – Marilyn Miles
- Search for new source for drug testing. – Joan Hiltz VMD
- Ideas about how to make online payments more secure. – Beth Sheldon d.
- Sanctioning/Insurance Report – Rebecca Wachtel
- New Business:
- Discussion on how ECTRA can help ride management with the cost of hiring veterinarian judges.
- Discussion on how to encourage riders to enter rides before a ride entry deadline.
- Consideration of a policy that the board can vote to notice the work/involvement of a member by a donation to their favorite charity. – Louise Lester
- Discussion on whether Volunteers can obtain mileage for each of the jobs they do at a single ride i.e. timer/secretary. – Louise Clarino
- Membership questions and comments.
- Adjourn