

ECTRA Membership

ECTRA Membership can now be completed online! It’s been years in the making but finally there’s an online option for membership: just click HERE to complete the form online.


Important information in this month’s newsletter including information about ECTRA’s Getaway at the end of February and the slate of candidates for 2025 Thank you for everyone who has served ECTRA and who is joining the board next year. Access the newsletter HERE!

ECTRA Winter Get-A-Way Sign Up

Happy New Year!  It’s time again for ECTRA’s annual Getaway where we celebrate 2024 accomplishments and learn about the latest hot topics. 
We have two fabulous speakers lined up, so mark your calendars and send in your registration for February 28-March 2.  Click HERE for information and registration form. Register ONLINE HERE!

ECTRA CTR Ride Manager Grant Application

Diana Murphy will be contacting CTR Ride Managers of rides held prior to 6/10/2024 so they may apply for this if interested. They will have 60 days from 6/10/2024 (deadline 8/10/2024) to apply.  Ride Managers of CTRs not held yet this year may contact Diana for more information. To complete the form please download it HERE!

ECTRA Board Meeting

Monday, April 8, at 7:00 p.m.  All ECTRA members are welcome to attend.  The Zoom link can be obtained from Carolyn Blocker.

AGENDA for Directors’ Meeting

Monday, April 8, 2024 at 7:00 pm  ZOOM

  1. Call to order
  2. Review and approval of Minutes March 11, 2024 – Diana Murphy
  3. Continued Treasurers Report for 1st Quarter – Megan Meldrum
  4. Old Business:
  5. Continuation of discussion to allow standalone CDR’s along with multi-day rides if the mileage is 20 miles of the total 80+ miles. – Sara Lareau; Jenny Kimberly; John Stacey (expected time for 20 miles 3:30 to 4:00) 

Note: Rule book VI SANCTOINING B.5 EXPERIMENTAL – ECTRA board members, riders, drivers, manager and judges from time to time may come up with new ideas for a type of event or new judging ideas.  These ideas may be presented to the BOD, in writing, for approval.  If approved, the event MAY BE conditionally sanctioned by ECTRA for mileage credit only.  A complete report is to be made after the event and handed into the BOD for evaluation. (Therefore GMHA needs to submit their written proposal for a 20 mile CDR to the BOD prior to their 2024 event.

  1. Continuation of consideration for having an ECTRA Ride Manager Grant to help cover any veterinarian expense.

“Only ride managers that are ECTRA members may apply for this grant and the ride must be an ECTRA sanctioned ride and appear in the list of events in the ECTRA newsletter and website.  Each individual grant is $100.  Only 5 rides will be awarded grants annually.  The application must be signed by the Ride Manager and returned to the ECTRA board 60 days prior to or after the ride.

  1. Continuation of discussion whether riders can get lifetime mileage credit for ridden Clinic participation, concerns expressed regarding how this would work because lifetime mileage is only earned via a sanctioned ride, standalone CDR’s are not permitted per rule book. – Jeanette Cole, Diana Murphy

Rule Book Article VI Clinics states no mileage credit for clinic participation.  Diana Murphy proposed if a rider participates in a ridden ECTRA sanctioned clinic that they be issued a certificate for a set amount of miles that could be redeemed for those miles if the rider becomes an ECTA member during that competitions year.  This would be a one time only offer.   Diana will write up a proposal to present at the March 2024 meeting.

  1. Membership questions and comments.
  2. Adjourn