




If you haven’t sent in your reservation(s) please do so now.  The registration form, which you can find

on the ECTRA web page will give you information about the weekend which includes 3 phenomenal


Lara Worden, a competitor and authority on horse nutrition, parasite control, and pasture management. 

Patrick Reilly, Chief of Farrier Services at the University of Pennsylvania who can give us information on

the ways to give your horse the best of care for its feet.

Sara Schick, an endurance competitor as well as a competitive runner and swimmer who can speak on

conditioning for you and your horse.


Also happening a used tack table, trade show, door prizes, 50/50, Silent Auction which includes 20+ ride

entries, Friday board meeting and “meet & greet, ECTRA annual meeting, banquet, and awards



For more information:  Char Jewell,  or 207-510-0541


ECTRA Board Meeting

The next ECTRA board meeting is planned for January 8th at 7pm EST via Zoom.  For more information on attending please contact Carolyn Blocker

ECTRA Newsletter

ECTRA’s Newsletter has been reformatted following the passing of longtime editor Judy Lorimer earlier this year.  You can read the new version of the newsletter for December 2023 HERE!

Ride Results – 2nd Half of 2023

These are the results as submitted by the RM or RS. There are missing and incorrect ECTRA numbers, which are being corrected on the Master Spreadsheet. The majority of rides listed are ECTRA. Quite a few AERC ride results have not been submitted so we must download from AERC, format the results and look up the ECTRA #’S, which takes time. Please review the results HERE and submit corrections using:
Please contact Beth Sheldon with questions. 

Attention Juniors!!

Free ECTRA membership & horse registration available to the 1st 10 juniors to join or renew. Get those memberships in today.
Renew online HERE or by mail HERE
(Member Donations)

ECTRA Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm via Zoom
Contact Carolyn Blocker for Zoom Info 

AGENDA for Directors’ Meeting

Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm Zoom

ECTRA members are invited to attend all Directors’ meetings


  1. Call to order
  2. Review and approval of Minutes June 12, 2023 – Diana Murphy
  3. Treasurer’s Accounts Second Quarter Report– Megan Meldrum
  4. Old Business:
    1. ECTRA Promotion and Advertising update – Jeannette Cole
    2. Mail Chimp/newsletter progress
    3. Data Collection Program File Maker Pro :
    4. Should ECTRA update their original DVD on competitive trail riding for promotional purposes?
    5. Update on the new Printify Store and how it works and who will oversee it going forward?
    6. Plan for disbursing new ECTRA logo sticker/decals.
    7. Do we want to do Equine Affair 2023 or Harrisburg 2024?
    8. Action to have new 3-fold brochures printed.
    9. Should we allow ride managers to have access to our rider/horse numbers for their use creating their ride entry information? [This would give them up to date information to determine who is a current member/horse.] – Marilyn Miles
    10. Search for new source for drug testing. – Joan Hiltz VMD
    11. Ideas about how to make online payments more secure. – Beth Sheldon d.
    12. Sanctioning/Insurance Report – Rebecca Wachtel
  1. New Business:
    1. Discussion on how ECTRA can help ride management with the cost of hiring veterinarian judges.
    2. Discussion on how to encourage riders to enter rides before a ride entry deadline.
    3. Consideration of a policy that the board can vote to notice the work/involvement of a member by a donation to their favorite charity. – Louise Lester
    4. Discussion on whether Volunteers can obtain mileage for each of the jobs they do at a single ride i.e. timer/secretary. – Louise Clarino

  2. Membership questions and comments.
  3.  Adjourn


Updated distances are as follows: 100 mile CTR 9/1 – 9/3.  60 mile CTR 9/2 – 9/3.  25 mile CTRs 9/1 & 9/2.  15 mile CDRs also available on 9/1 & 9/2. More information and updates will be available HERE!


Due to another catastrophic rain event GMHA has had to cancel all activities planned for the next few weeks.  For more information please see the full message below from GMHA’s Executive Director or visit the website at Green Mountain Horse Association | South Woodstock, Vermont (gmhainc.org)



Hello GMHA members, friends and family – I left work on Friday with thoughts of an update to all of you with the completed work on the facility after the July 10th storm.

Instead, you may have heard that last Friday night GMHA experienced another flooding event. Unlike the earlier July statewide rain event, this one was more localized. A series of thunderstorms lined up over GMHA to drop over five inches of rain in three hours. The resulting flash flood was more disastrous than the flooding ten days before. The flood waters came up faster, ran swifter and deeper than before.
All the work that had been completed the previous week was washed away, and more.

The Connemara Show had started to move in earlier on Friday ahead of the storm.  Ponies were moved out of C Barn to Upwey Barn as water came into their stalls. The dumpster that was behind the workshop now resides stuck under the car bridge at Upwey. The porta potty from the lunging ring is now halfway down the stream in the Upwey arena and another one is in the retention basin by Morgan Hill Road.
All the hard work on the roads, parking areas and grassy edges is washed out and we will have to start from scratch again.

The XC and Jump fields have another layer of sand, silt and rocks covering them with some deeper channels running through them creating dangerous conditions. The Dust Bowl Arena will need a complete rebuild.

As a result of all this damage, CVDA cancelled their two-day dressage show and I limited the Connemara Show to in-hand classes in the White ring, only.

I have asked that the GMHA Summer Dressage Days Show for next weekend be cancelled (July 28-30).

In addition, the GMHA facility, in its entirety, and Member Trail loops are closed to riders and visitors until at least August 7th. Any shows, clinics, members days during that time frame are cancelled. This will result in the cancellation of the CTR, Pleasure and Starter rides scheduled for August 5-6 and the Wheel Runners Clinic on August 1st.

I don’t make this decision lightly as we are in the busiest time of the year, but it is for everyone’s safety.

The scope and breadth of the repairs all over the property will require our undistracted attention so we can get them completed in the next two weeks. Over the next couple of days GMHA staff and Board will work on how we can reschedule, or modify the cancelled events, following the two week time frame allowing them to run safely.

We will have further information from the Board later today, or tomorrow, on how to support GMHA during this time. If nothing else, GMHA teaches resilience and patience. We will need lots of both in the near future and I thank you in advance!

Bruce Perry, Executive Director