

Outside Mileage Form

Anyone who is submitting outside mileage is encouraged to use the online form available HERE.  You may also download the form on the Rider/Driver Form page and submitting in by mail if you prefer.  Click HERE to be taken to the download page.


Please note that the 50th anniversary shirts are sold out in Medium!

Board of Directors Elections

Slate of officers and board members for 2021:
  • President: Rebecca Wachtel
  • VP: Joan Hilz
  • Secretary: Susie Benson
  • Treasurer: Megan Thompson


  • Dr. Martha Demson
  • Jim Theurer
  • Jenny Kimberly
  • Carolyn Blocker
  • Diana Murphy

Additional candidates may be nominated by the membership at large, each candidate having been endorsed in writing by not less than ten(10) adult members.  Nominations to be in the hands of the secretary not later than thirty(30) days prior to the annual meeting.

Rulebook Changes for 2020 Ride Year

New Rulebook for 2020.  See changes below!

Private File - Access Forbidden

Rulebook Changes for 2020 Ride Year

Section I. W. Specific Rules for Conditioning Distance Rides (CDR) and
Drives (CDD) p.11.
The rules for a CDR & CDD will essentially follow the rules
of a standard Competitive Trail Ride (CTR). Scoring, trot out patterns and ride
time will mirror a standard ride. If a pass/fail option is offered such CDR will
essentially follow the rules of the pass/fail option for a CTR. Leg protection, a
simple down and back trot out, no time penalty if time is within 30 minutes of
minimum & maximum and an all in one final vetting. This is not all inclusive
explanation of details. You do need to review the rules in the rulebook.

Section I. Y. 5. Drug & Medication Rules p.12. The rules were updated by
putting them into a list or outline format. Also the reference to the number of
horses to be tested has been changed to read “The number of Competitive
Events and horses per event to be tested each year shall be determined by
the Drug Testing Committee based on the testing budget available.” And we
changed the name of the committee to reflect the current one, “Drug Testing

Section I. Z. Protection of Youth p.13. After careful review of the federal
government’s Safer Sports Act, it was decided that our organization was not
required to establish special training programs. However, each state already
has laws in place that require and protect those that report abuse. This
section was added to make sure anyone involved with our sport knows they
have the legal responsibility to report such abuse as well as having a legal
right to specific protection for making such report.

Section VI. Sanctioning B. Types of Events ECTRA Will Sanction 1.
Limited Distance p. 24.
Limited Distance rides will cover one day events
from 25 to 40 miles a day. Previously the limit was 50 miles. We don’t believe
there have been any CTR’s of 50 miles in over 30 years.

Section VIII Awards G. Junior Awards 1. Limited Distance p. 31. This was
changed to reflect the maximum of 40 miles for 1 day rides as noted in VI.B.1.
Section VIII Awards G. Junior Awards 2. Multi-Distance p. 31 Previously a
Junior had to complete at least 2 multi-day rides. It now allows juniors who
have only completed 1 multi-day ride to be included in awards for that

Section VIII. Awards H. Horse Awards Special 4. Rookie Horse Perpetual
Award. p. 31.
The definition of a Rookie horse has been clarified with a bit
more detail.

Section VIII. Awards J. Member Awards Special 2. Mrs. Mary Coleman
(Web) Award. p. 31.
The definition for a Rookie rider has been clarified with a
bit more detail.

Section IX. Point Schedules p. 34 Additional mileage combinations were
added to the chart to make it easier to figure out points.

E.C.T.R.A. By-Laws Article V Election of Officers & Directors. p. 36
Revision to permit ballots to be included in newsletter, not mailed; to not
require a ballot vote if a board position or officer is uncontested (only 1
candidate per opening), and to permit electronic voting if the club chooses to
do so.

2019 Award Winners

If you weren’t able to make it to the 2020 Winter Get-A-Way the list of the 2019 award winners and milestone achievements from the banquet can be seen HERE!

ECTRA members – Year-End Tabulation of Points, Mileage and Awards!

Year end tabulation is starting! Any ECTRA members who rode outside rides please review the 2019 Outside Mileage List to confirm all outside mileage is correct.

ALL members who rode in 2019 should review the 2019 Ride Results list.
Submit any changes/updates using the online form: https://form.jotform.co/80325959052863
  1. Check each ride you and/or your horse completed to ensure the mileage and ECTRA# is entered and correct for horse and rider. Use the online form for corrections.
  2. If your horse and/or name are missing for an endurance ride, submit the information using the online form note.
Do NOT worry about the spelling of horse or rider names. The database has the correct spelling.
NOTE: The NJ Devil results have been received and listed but pending final approval.

Any questions should be sent to Beth Sheldon ASAP!

Ride Promotion Form

This is a Promotion Form developed by Patti Brooks to help promote ECTRA rides throughout the region!  PLEASE click on the link here or on the RM Forms page to download the form.  It is a one page questionnaire that will help Patti develop a plan for promoting your ride to the local area which we hope will not only draw in more riders, but more potential ECTRA members.  If you have any questions please reach out to Patti at